vyskumny ustav, výskumný ústav


History of the VUPC

The Pulp and Paper Research Institute (PPRI), Bratislava, was established in 1947 with the main aim of promoting the development of wood processing and the pulp and paper industry. The Institute has participated in preparing and implementing development actions ofwood processing and pulp and paper industry. It is directed towards technological research and development and industrial application, technical assistance to pulp and paper mills and converting plants, enhancing the skill of the papermakers and retrieval and dissemination of professional and economic information.In 2003, the State Forest Products Research Institute was merged with PPRI, JSC (today as a department Slovak Forest Products Research Institute – SFPRI) with research activities in the field of cascade use of wood material and recycling of wood products after the end of use, optimisation of the production of biodegradable large-scale materials, insulating materials and new combined wood-based materials.

The main research activities are focused on the following:

Optimisation of wood processing and pulp and paper production processes using AI (Neural Networks)

Minimisation of energy consumption using process integration methodology (Pinch Technology)

Application of the special patented "Spiral-based recovery device with integration of U-tube condensate drainage" – PPRI patent no. 288838 for the reuse of low-potential waste heat from the most energy-intensive processes.

Debottlenecking - removing bottlenecks in production technology

Special papers with multifunctional properties 

Special air-cleaning filters based on nano-fibrillated cellulose and nanocellulose with antiseptic effect on droplet-transmitted enteroviruses

Special products based on nano-fibrillated cellulose and nanocellulose

Biodegradable packaging paper and board development of high surface barrier properties

Smart packaging 

Second-generation biofuels based on cellulose and hemicelluloses

Optimisation of wood and paper-based products recycling

In the period 2020-2023, the laboratories at PPRI were fully modernized in the new premises of the newly built Centre of Excellence LignoSilva, with regards to the creation of complex material, technological, and information flows in forests and the wood processing and pulp and paper industry. The current infrastructure concept consists of 11 analytical and technological laboratories and 2 new pilot-plant technology testing halls equipped with a line for testing the technology of paper and cardboard production and surface treatment. The universal pilot plant paper machine of PPRI with 3 headboxes and integrated size press, the pilot plan coating and laminating machine, the supercalander and other special equipment for paper and board surface treatment are unique equipment for the implementation of research results. The modernisation was financed in the frame of the HORIZON 2020 programme project of building the LignoSilva - Centre of Excellence of Forest-based Industry - co-financed by the EU. Further infrastructure development is realised as part of the LignoSilva Centre of Excellence Upgrade project, which was approved in the frame of HORIZON EUROPE – Widera call to modernise existing centres of excellence in Widening countries through strategic partnerships with leading institutions in the frame of Teaming for excellence action for the consortium of institutes NFC, the Fraunhofer Institute from Germany and PPRI.Many local and international awards were awarded to the Institute and the staff members for the most important research results.A significant source of information is obtained from cooperation with international associations and companies which deal with processing of wood material and production of fibres and papers such asCEPI (association of European pulp and paper industry) TAPPI (organization dealing with pulp and paper industry in USA), RISI (significant information for wood processing industry – Belgium, Brussels), SPPC (Society of the Paper and Pulp Industry - a joint organization focused on the technological development of the pulp and paper industry - Czech and Slovak Republics). Through membership in these organizations PPRI obtains unique information about the newest trends, technologies, statistics, overviews of scientific events etc. The research institute publishes indexed scientific magazine Wood Research, which is one of the oldest of its type in the world. PPRI manages statistics for pulp and paper industry in Slovakia and is the contiguous office for pulp and paper industry for the European data collection.

The competitiveness of VÚPC's industrial partner enterprises is the best proof of the effectiveness of our research activities.