1. Pulping
2. Pulp Bleaching
3. Chemical Recovery and Power Engineering
4. Environment
5. Chemical Engineering
6. Brightening of Secondary Fibres
Research and development in the sphere of pulp production technology are oriented towards the reduction in the consumption of raw materials, chemicals and energy as well as towards a decrease of environmental impacts when producing the pulp
- Research and development of new pulping processes
- Application of additives (AQ, surfactants etc.) in conventional and modified sulphate cooking
- Modelling of the conventional alkaline (natron, sulphate) as well as sulphite (acid, neutral, alkaline) cooking processes
- Modelling of the modified alkaline delignification processes (RDH, WLI, Superbatch, Enerbatch, and ITC)
- Modelling of the two-stage cooking processes
- Processing of non-conventional raw-materials (bamboo, straw, flax etc.)
- Optimised utilisation of second-rate wood raw-materials
Contact : Ing. Jozef Balberčák
Tel. : +421 7 59418613, Fax. : +421 7 54776537
Research and development of pulp bleaching technologies are oriented towards complying with the environmental regulation limits in compliance with legislation requirements as expressed by values of COD, TOC, BOD, colour and AOX in effluents as well as those of OX in pulp with regards to minimisation of total production cost:
- Research and optimisation of conditions of individual bleaching stages (O, EO, EOP, P, Z, Q, X, D, DC and E)
- Research and optimisation of the ECF bleaching sequences
- Research and optimisation of the TCF bleaching sequences
- Impact of effluents recycling on the consumption of bleaching chemicals
- Bio-stage utilisation in order to decrease the consumption of bleaching chemicals
- Improvement of pulp bleachability using additives based on surfactants in oxygen delignification
Contact : Ing. Mária Fišerová, PhD.
Tel : +421 7 59418603, Mobil : 0901 710723
Fax : +421 7 54776537
3. Chemical Recovery and Power Engineering
In the sphere of chemical recovery when using different technology procedures of pulp production attention is oriented towards:
- Evaporation of back liquors and evaluation of evaporator performance
- Causticizing efficiency
- Black liquor combustion
- Power engineering
- Chemical losses in the recovery system
- Investigation of non-process elements
- Scaling of plant equipment
- Operational safety
Contact: Ing. Štefan Boháček, PhD.
Tel. : +421 7 59418601, Mobil : 0901 715865
Fax : +421 7 54776537
Environmental research is aimed at achieving the set of ecological limits as far as effluents and gaseous emissions are concerned, at decreasing of solid waste production as well as at enhancement of their utilisation degree:
- Effluents monitoring
- Balance of sewage systems, characterising of individual streams concerning stock flow, COD, BOD, insoluble substances, soluble substances, heavy metals content, AOX, TOC, TPH-D, surfactants, phenols, formaldehyde and other substances in accordance with the customer requirements
- Investigation of water treatment system
- Drawing-up of effluent treatment projects and designs
- Intensification of effluent treatment plants
- Utilisation of sludge of effluent treatment as well that of waste paper processing
- Destruction of gaseous emissions
Contact : Ing. Mária Fišerová, PhD.
Tel. : +421 7 59418603, Mobil : 0901 710723
Fax : +421 7 54776537
Chemical engineering in its technique of pulping process is oriented towards:
- Modelling and system analysis of pulping processes
- Modelling and optimisation of the unit operations of pulp production - cooking, washing, oxygen delignification, bleaching, evaporation, chemical recovery, causticizing and lime recovery, heat exchange, striping etc.
- Balance of pulp production (including unit operations) based on production data
- Simulation of process modifications and evaluation of their impacts on both the pulping process and environment
- Analysis of pulping technologies concerning consumption of chemicals and fuels as well as energy production and consumption
- Comprehensive in-depth measurements and analysis of existing production technology
- Optimisation of individual processes as well as that of the production technology as a whole
- Evaluation of investment real payback time
Contact : Ing. Štefan Boháček, PhD.
Tel. : +421 7 59418601, Mobil : 0901 715865
Fax : +421 7 54776537
6. Brightening of Secondary Fibres
Research and development of brightening technologies of secondary fibres are oriented towards meeting its required quality characteristics from the point of view of its utilisation in production of different paper grades as well as towards meeting the ecology limits in accordance with the legislation requirements with regards to minimisation of the total production cost.
- Research and optimisation of conditions of individual bleaching stages (P, FAS, Y, O, EO and EOP)
- Development and optimisation of bleaching sequences
Contact: Ing. Mária Fišerová, PhD.
Tel. : +421 7 59418603, Mobil : 0901 710723
Fax : +421 7 54776537