vyskumny ustav, výskumný ústav



1. Service of L&W Testing Instruments, ADV-3.1 and Testing Instruments Calibration
2. Comparative Measurement between Laboratories

1. Service of L&W Testing Instruments, ADV-3.1 and Testing Instruments Calibration

Device Service
Service of testing instruments made by AB Lorentzen & Wettre Company, Sweden, applying service contract between VUPC and L&W.
Service of other testing instruments and equipment such as sheet-formers of Rapid-Kothen type and IGT printing testing instruments.

ADV-3 Service
Production, selling, guarantees and post-guarantees service of fibre-length analyser ADV-1, ADV-2, ADV-3 and its newest version ADV-3.1. The device was awarded in 1999 by International Award for Technical Development.
The testing instrument serves as rapid and objective analyser of fibre-length distribution in pulp suspensions that content primary and secondary fibres. It works on the principle of conductivity change in measure capillary when the fibre passes through area of electrodes.

Devices Calibration
Device calibration for physical and mechanical properties of pulp, paper grades and card-boards (e.g. beating degree, thickness, bursting resistance, tear resistance, bending stiffness).

Contact : Ing. Erich Novák

Tel. : +421 7 59418 605
Fax : +421 7 5477 6537


2. Comparative Measurement between Laboratories.

Correct measurements of selected instruments of Institute is being tested by cyclic comparative measures that are compared with foreign laboratories, such as STFI and STORA (Sweden), PIRA (England) and PTS (Germany).
On the base of these results, VUPC laboratories make cyclic comparative measures for Slovak laboratories that use this service while obtaining the certificate of quality ISO 9000. After taking these tasks CEPI - CTS (CEPI Comparative Testing Service) our laboratories are about to provide this service for countries of V4 (Slovak Republic, Czech Republic, Poland and Hungary).

Physical and mechanical characteristic measurements bidden to foreign laboratories are these ones:

We also offer direct verification of devices using physical method, as follows:

Brightness measuring devices that are calibrated by mentioned methods are connected to the international authorised office ISO (in accordance with ISO 2469 standard).

We offer linking of your equipment to VUPC Central Laboratories devices on the base of comparative measuring. This way you can control the correct measuring of your equipment.

Contact : Ing. Ludmila Hornakova

Tel. : +421 7 59418 608
Fax : +421 7 5477 6537
